
Welcome to Self-Care CPR!

I am so excited to have you join me on this exciting adventure, as we navigate the often “fluffy” connotations we(and the rest of the world) have with the term self-care.

Over the next 10 weeks you will create your own definition of what self care means to you. Together we will brainstorm and you will create your own unique roadmap on what Self-Care looks like in your day to day life. Together we will breathe new life into our self-care practices.

Please Note: Sometimes I may invite you to do some things you consider “airy fairy” or “woo woo”, but I promise these are tools and techniques that have shifted my own personal self-care practices to a whole new level.

Each Monday new content will be released, each week focusing on a specific area of self-care. There will be a video each week, worksheets, audio meditations, recommended readings, and surprises.

Now, before you move onto the next section, I want you to stop, close your eyes, and take 5 deep breaths in through your nose, and exhale fully out of your mouth.

Let’s begin.

xo Janessa (The Nurse Coach)

The Self-Care 5.pdf
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